Ways to Get Involved:

1) Share: Please spread the word by sharing this page and our Instagram (@doublehouseartscollective) with your friends and family.

2,) Join: Become a member of our Patreon and receive fun art in exchange in the mail! You can contribute starting at $10 per month. It all helps us keep afloat during these challenging times.

2) Contribute: Your gift will help us continue to build a sustainable program for the Double House Arts Collective. It will go toward accessible programs for creative expression, leadership positions for disabled artists, and support for local teaching artists. You can donate by clicking below or via Venmo @doublehousearts.

3) Use Our Space: Rent our space for your private event, meeting, or workshop! The majority of rental proceeds go directly toward supporting the collective, local artists, and inclusive programming.

3) Sponsorship: Support our programming as a business sponsor and be part of our valued community.

4) Collaborate: Propose a workshop idea. Partner with our collective to teach a workshop or rent our space to host your own. Email us at contact@doublehousearts for more info.

5) Visit: Stop by to learn more, make some art with us, and hear about our arts collective and space! Please email us first to confirm a time.

Please email us at contact@doublehousearts.com with any questions. Thank you!